Students Statistics
The number of students in our Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programs rose slightly compared to the previous year to 27,958 (+63), with the Faculty of Science experiencing the largest growth (+169). Explore more of UZH’s student figures in our interactive diagrams.
*Students who enrolled on the teaching diploma programme after completing their Master's degree. In addition, 281 students are completing a teaching diploma programme parallel to their Master's degree (279) or doctorate (2). A total of 857 students are pursuing a teaching diploma.
*Students who enrolled on the teaching diploma programme after completing their Master's degree. In addition, 281 students are completing a teaching diploma programme parallel to their Master's degree (279) or doctorate (2). A total of 857 students are pursuing a teaching diploma.
The total includes all 857 students enrolled in the teaching diploma program, not just the 576 who enrolled in the teaching diploma program after completing their Master's degree. Only first teaching subjects were included in the count.
* Other subjects (in order of popularity): Physics, Informatics, Philosophy, Spanish Linguistics and Literature, Italian Language and Literature, Study of Religions, Latin Philology, Russian Language and Literature, Greek Philology