
Annual financial statements

Total revenue at UZH increased to CHF 1.58 billion, and the university’s income statement recorded an annual profit of CHF 3.5 million. Income from third-party funding reached a new peak in 2022, with CHF 366 million. Explore more of UZH’s financial figures in our interactive diagrams and tables.


2022 – in Mio. CHF


2022 – in Mio. CHF

Development of Third-party Project Contributions

2018–2022 – in Mio. CHF

Statement of Financial Performance (incl. legacies)

in 1 000 CHF  absolutein %
Transfer revenue    
Basic financing and operational transfer revenues    
Contributions Canton of Zurich620 170678 82858 6589.5
Federal contribution (HEdA)146 128147 2561 1280.8
Contributions from other cantons (Intercantonal University Agreement)166 421161 355–5 066–3.0
Other operational transfers7 8228 9591 13714.5
Project contributions with a transfer character 2    
Third-party transfers (incl. Swiss National Science Foundation and EU)164 100174 91410 8136.6
Overhead22 70524 1441 4396.3
Reversal of investment contributions carried as liabilites1 121829–292–26.1
Other transfer revenue645665203.1
Charges and other revenue    
Project contributions without a transfer character 2157 843166 9539 1105.8
Service revenue160 033157 621–2 412–1.5
Tuition fees33 58133 7021200.4
Withdrawals from dedicated third-party funds and legacies3 3263 5812557.7
Pass-through amounts12 38011 670–710–5.7
Operating revenue1 496 2761 570 47674 2005.0

1 Previous year's figures have been partially adjusted for comparison purposes.

in 1 000 CHF  absolutein %
Staff Costs972 216990 86418 6471.9
Material expenses and other operating expenses459 236504 31845 0819.8
Depreciation44 71646 8452 1304.8
Contributions to dedicated third-party funds and legacies13 6673 550–10 117–74.0
Transfer expenses6 22613 2377 011>100.0
Pass-through amounts12 38011 670–710–5.7
Operating expenses1 508 4411 570 48362 0424.1
Operating result–12 166–712 15899.9
Finance income8 1057 460–645–8.0
Finance expense1 4873 9292 442>100.0
Net finance income6 6183 531–3 087–46.6
Annual result University Accounts und Separate Accounts–4 5695 2559 824>100.0
Annual result legacies–978–1 731–753–77.0
Annual result–5 5473 5249 071>100.0
Total revenue1 504 3801 577 93673 5554.9
Total expense1 509 9281 574 41264 4844.3

 1 Previous year's figures have been partially adjusted for comparison purposes.

Statement of Financial Position (incl. legacies)

in 1 000 CHF  absolutein %
Current assets493 725489 732–3 992–0.8
Financial assets    
Cash and cash equivalents21 67733 19411 51753.1
Receivables428 157412 415–15 741–3.7
Current financial investments7 4084 680–2 728–36.8
Prepaid expenses and accrued income35 47738 0542 5777.3
Inventories1 0071 38938238.0
Non-current assets215 245209 013–6 232–2.9
Assets primary held for their financial capacity    
Non-current financial investments32 18124 680–7 501–23.3
Property, plant and equipment5 4145 414
Assets primary held for their operational capacity    
Property, plant and equipment164 125164 8427170.4
Intangible assets10 77711 2314544.2
Investment contributions (capital transfers)1 3561 52717112.6
Equity investments593635427.1
Total Assets708 970698 745–10 225–1.4
in 1 000 CHF  absolutein %
Liabilities577 310563 562–13 748–2.4
Short-term liabilities    
Current liabilities80 96767 816–13 151–16.2
Accrued expendes and deferred income79 95474 952–5 002–6.3
Short-term provisions17 93119 2231 2927.2
Long-term liabilities    
Other long-term liabilities6 5215 706–816–12.5
Long-term provisions23 15824 0208613.7
Dedicated third-party funds368 779371 8463 0670.8
Equity131 660135 1833 5242.7
Annual result University Accounts und Separate Accounts–4 5695 2559 824>100.0
Legacies in equity38 52436 792–1 731–4.5
Other equity97 70593 136–4 569–4.7
Total liabilities and equity708 970698 745–10 225–1.4
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