
New Paths

Our teaching staff are exploring innovative ideas for university teaching, while our researchers are finding new paths toward sustainable co-existence. Our portraits show how UZH staff are handling and shaping the ever-changing world of work.

Stories about Studying and Teaching

New Approaches to Learning

In traditional seminar and lecture formats, instructors explain a topic, while students present and discuss their ideas. But these formats are increasingly complemented by new, innovative approaches to learning, many of which are being developed right here at UZH. Read on to find out just how innovative and imaginative our approaches are.

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Stories about Research

Understanding and Tackling the Climate Crisis

Melting glaciers, sweltering cities and increasing zoonoses – UZH researchers from across the disciplines are analyzing the effects that climate change has on nature and our society. They are finding new ways of dealing with the crisis, including in the area of agriculture, finance and law.

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Campus Stories

UZH Working Environments

How do you learn to stand on your own two feet early in an academic career? How do you lead a team in tandem? How do you combine learning and teaching? What happens when tasks change? The future of work is upon us and is changing our daily lives. Find out how UZH staff are helping to shape the change.

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